解析 A。解析:在一些文化中,在特殊场合穿鲜艳的颜色是合适的。在其他文化中,人们更喜欢较暗的色调。“bright colors”和“dark”形成对比。“light”轻的、“dull”单调的、“pale”苍白的不太符合这个语境。文化差异影响:不同文化对特殊场合服装颜色的偏好不同,影响对词汇的选择。
It is appropriate to wear formal attire to a wedding.(参加婚礼时穿正装是合适的。) The furniture in the office is appropriate for the work environment.(办公室里的家具适合工作环境。) It is essential to have the appropriate vaccinations before travelling.(旅行前接种适当的疫苗是必要的。) 2. 动词...
Itisappropriatetowearformalattiretoawedding.(参加婚礼时穿正装是合适的。) Thefurnitureintheofficeisappropriatefortheworkenvironment.(办公室里的家具适合工作环境。) Itisessentialtohavetheappropriatevaccinationsbeforetravelling.(旅行前接种适当的疫苗是必要的。) ...
As mentioned earlier, when considering when to wear a three piece suit, it’s critical to understand the modern standards that determine its appropriateness for certain situations. It’s the perfect suit for a formal occasion, such as a wedding or a luxe anniversary dinner, but less so when ...
Women should wear dresses or skirts, preferably knee-length. Avoid showing your shoulders; if the dress is sleeveless, add a shawl or bolero. White should be avoided, although at a more casual wedding you may be able to wear black.
as you get on you want your clothes to last longer – quality over quantity – so look for be best fabrics you can afford, this will make all the difference in the long run with how well they wear, wash up and keep their shape and colour. Think like aFrench woman,fewer clothes, but...