paradigm theoryThis article emphasizes the need to develop methodologies through applying valid economic knowledge within research approaches used in writing final and PhD theses in order to apply this knowledge in the development of entrepreneurship in the context of model approaches. The proposed ...
adolescent developmentcontingent self‐worthhumanistic theoryperson‐centered approachdoi:10.1002/9781119171492.wecad309Michael BehrUniversity of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd GermanyDavid MurphyUniversity of Nottingham UKMick CooperUniversity of Roehampton UK...
adj.+n. novel approach,same approach,pragmatic approach,scientific approach,traditional approach 英汉 英英 网络释义 v. 1. 探讨;看待,对待,处理 2. 向...接近,走近;使接近 3. 向...接洽[提议] 4. 〈美〉企图收买 5. 临近,靠近,近似 n.
Approaches to development: who is approaching what? 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 11 作者: M Wolfe 摘要: No abstract is available for this item. DOI: 被引量: 5 年份: 1974 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...
Resulting conclusions about the implications of contemporary approaches toward career development would lead us to develop the framework and recommendations for future research and theory development.doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.484Korsakiene, Renata...
The Cultural Psychological Approach to Religion: Contemporary Debates on the Object of the Discipline. Although psychology has taken an interdisciplinary approach to religion, at present most studies are aligned with mainstream psychology, which largely disr... V Belzen,J A - 《Theory & Psychology》...
DevelopmentofCommunicativeApproach:CommunicativeLanguageTeaching Task-BasedLanguageTeaching Content-BasedInstruction Grammar-TranslationMethod 1.Definition2.Background3.Theory4.Theprincipalcharacteristics5.Teachingprocedure6.Advantagesanddisadvantages TheGrammar-TranslationMethodis amethodofforeignorsecondlanguageteachingwhich...
Summary Two differing psychoanalytic views of child development will be examined in this chapter. The first is the one that was originally proposed by Freud. The second, object relations theory, which is more recent, focuses on the influence of the very early months and years of a child’s ...
How Can Actor-Network Theory Assist in Rethinking Approaches to Banning or Restricting Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems? The development of A.I. systems and robotics in recent years has lead to increased concerns over how such technology will be utilized in war. Specifically, Lethal Autonomous Weapon...