Ho-Won Jeong and a cast of experts explore the ways in which the dynamics of post-conflict situations can be transformed to sustainable peace. Contributors focus on designs and models of peacebuilding, functions of peacekeeping, capacity building through negotiations, reconciliation, the role of gende...
rests on the premise that peace education “represents an indirect solution to the problems of violence. As a strategy it depends upon millions of students being educated, who first transformed their inner hearts and minds and then
http://www.brandeis.edu/ethics/peacebuildingarts/pdfs/CreativeApproaches.pdfCohen, Cynthia. "Creative Approaches to Reconciliation." In The Psychology of Resolving Global Conflicts: From War to Peace, edited by Mari Fitzduff and Cristopher E...
Book Review: Ho-Won Jeong (ed.), Approaches to Peacebuilding (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002, 203 pp., £45.00, hbk.)doi:10.1177/03058298030320010725Millennium - Journal of International StudiesTobias Hagmann
Smith, RichardMadagascar. Geneva: Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP),Busumtwi-Sam, J. (2004). Development and Peacebuilding: conceptual and operational deficits in international assistance. In T. M. Ali, & R. O. Matthews (Eds.), Durable Peace: challenges for peacebuilding...
So while South Africa focused more on mediation and then peacekeeping in Darfur, in Burundi the focus on mediation and peacebuilding was much greater than peacekeeping. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the focus was initially on mediation but later turned to peacekeeping and ...
Christian Approaches to International Affairs. Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 224 S., ISBN: 978-0230362918, ca. € 62,-. Czada, R., Held, T., & Weingardt, M. (2012). Religions and World Peace: Religious Capacities for Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. Baden-Baden: Nomos,...
With its dual membership as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2006-7 and 2009-10, its membership in the G20 from 2009 and its role in the United Nations Peacebuilding Council, South Africa has positioned itself as a key player in the new efforts at...
Peacebuilding is a complex endeavor that requires an all-hands-on-deck effort to deliver multi-faceted approaches which engage all members of society, including women and, in particular, young women, who have been traditionally excluded. The argument of this paper is that despite significant ...