This study aims to provide an overview of forensic investigation methods for extracting digital evidence from computer systems and mobile devices to combat persistent cybercrime. It also discusses current cybercrime issues and mitigation procedures.Kazaure, Abdullahi Aminu...
‘Cybercrime’ has developed from the old narrower concepts of computer crime and e-crime into a much broader concept covering many different forms of criminal ...
Website fingerprinting as a cybercrime investigation model: Role and challenges The mass-production of online websites is one of the most confrontations of detecting cybercriminal activities. Monitoring the construction or visitation o... TA Ghaleb - First International Conference on Anti-cybercrime 被...
Legislation on cybercrime in Lithuania: development and legal gaps in comparison with the convention on cybercrime. In particular, this article deals with the topic of computer-related crimes and the legal approaches related to substantive criminal law of the Republic of... D Sauliūnas - 《America...
Automation of the investigation process is an effective approach that is widely utilized in digital criminal investigations. For example, digital forensic analysis tools are being used to identify digital evidence in cybercrimes. Due to the complexity of the analysis of these crimes, there is a ...
CybercrimePurpose - The purpose of this article is to examine the current prevention messages that exist surrounding the prevention of online fraud. In particular, it focuses on the amount and level of detail that is promoted for each type of potential fraudulent approach. Design/methodology/...
Mbaziira A, Jones J (2016) A text-based deception detection model for cybercrime. In: Proc of internation conference on technology and management Mendels G, Levitan SI, Lee K-Z, Hirschberg J (2017) Hybrid acoustic-lexical deep learning approach for deception detection. In: Proc. of INTERSPE...
As a consequence, the rise of cybercrimes in cloud systems exacerbates the problem of scale for digital forensic practitioners. Traditional digital forensic approaches such as the data acquisition of electronic devices, personal computer forensics, live data forensics, network investigations and forensics,...
CybercrimeDigital forensicsFeature extractionFeature selectionGenetic AlgorithmSource camera identificationDigital Forensics is the branch of science dealing with investigation of evidences recovered from digital devices, to safeguard against rapidly increasing cyber crimes intoday's digital world. The Source ...
For example, according to estimates, an average data breach costs USD 3.9 million in the United States and USD 8.19 million globally [8], and cybercrime costs the world economy USD 400 billion per year [9]. The security community estimates [10], over the next five years, that the number...