anything that reduces the pain - body position, movements(or lack thereof), medications.o Aggravating Factors: anything that increases the pain - body position,movements, relation to food intake.o Associated Symptoms: can include hematemesis, vomiting, nausea,hematochezia, melena, diarrhea, fever, an...
胸部疼痛Chest Pain内有配音【国外优秀商务PPT模板】 热度: Approach to Chest pain 热度: Approach to chest pain 热度: Approach to Chest Pain Intern Bootcamp, 2014 Nathan Stehouwer, MD PGY-4, Internal Medicine & Pediatrics Differential Pearl: ALWAYS have the patient point to the pain!
Other concomitant symptoms, such as pharyngitis, odynophagia, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, myalgia, pleuritis or abdominal pain vary from person to person. National registries and patient cohorts are a major determinant for successful characterization of clinical phenotypes in the field of rare diseases...