More 16- to 18-year-olds could be persuaded to apply for degree apprenticeships if it were easier
Government has pledged a 20% increase in funding for 16-to-18-year-olds under the Apprenticeship Frameworks scheme (funding levels for Apprenticeship Standards will be set through the Trailblazer process). This additional money will be routed directly to training providers who will receive an additi...
Over half of 17- to 19-year-olds who are receiving their grades next Tuesday, but are not intending to start a traditional degree course in the autumn, haveconsidered an apprenticeship, and a further 22 per cent said that was their main choice. Last year, 37 per cent of UK 18-year-ol...
The British government has decided to fund 100 percent of the cost of training for 16-to-18-year-olds. Bob Williams of LT Print claims that apprenticeship provides trained staff needed to take a business forwa...
“dual training,” splitting their time between work at an employer, and relevant vocational training classes at a participating educational institution. While formal schooling might work for 17, 18, and 19-year-olds, as in America, the bigger need (and opportunity) is retraining millions of ...
摘要: Requiring payment for 16-18 year olds will probably have a negative impact on employer engagement with this age group although paying recruitment bonuses for 16 and 17 year olds may offset some of the extra cost. Employers recruiting in engineering and construction are more likely to be ...
That the prohibitions needed to be made at all implies a level of riotous enjoyment of life by 14- to 20-year-olds in the past that almost excites envy in these sober times. Within the basic format the apprenticeship document was flexible, and each of the BDA documents is different. The...
Ti Kèl and Mackenson are the best of friends. They are sixteen-year-olds, who sit next to each other on the same bench of the 5th grade class at the public school in Mariaman, where my neighbor Mèt Anténor is principal. They both come large families. Ti Kèl’s mother has ten ch...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "COUNCIL 'A TOP PLACE TO WORK' Award for Its Apprenticeship Scheme for 16-24-Year-Olds" - Coventry Evening Telegraph (England), September 28, 2012Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)...
More 16- to 18-year-olds could be persuaded to apply for degree apprenticeships if it were easier