Useopen-endedquestionsto get the appraiseetalking.使用开放式问题给被评估者有说话的机会。 See appraise appraisal More examples Appraisees shouldsummarizethemainfactsabouttheirperformance. You should bewillingtoacceptfeedbackfrom the appraisee. Encourage the appraisee toaskquestions. Themagistrateand his or ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook appraisee Thesaurus Legal (əˌpreɪˈziː) n formala person who is being appraised Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The appraisee's role is passive in the appraisal process, being the receiver of feedback or the subject of valuation. 13 Furthermore, while the "appraiser" has a proactive duty, making judgments and determinations based on observations, analysis, and expertise, the "appraisee" often awaits the...
v. to professionally evaluate the value of property including real estate, jewelry, antique furniture, securities, or in certain cases the loss of value (or cost of replacement) due to damage. This may be necessary in determining the value of the estate of someone who has died, particularly ...