The article examines the ethical dimensions of the judicial appointments process within the dynamics of the composition and operation of the special judicial bodies and other groups from which these bodies receive nominations for judicial appointments....
judicial reforms, including financial independence, transparent and merit-based appointments, discipline and removal of judges, strong commitment to human rights and reconstitution [...] 这将有助于巩固司法改革, 包括经济独立、录用透明和择优录取、惩治和罢免法官,坚决承诺落实人权,改...
judicial appointment bodiesOne of Africa's major challenges in the last three decades has been the need to restore confidence in the judiciary. During the long years of dictatorial rule, judges were stripped of their independence and appointed or dismissed at the whim of presidents; the public ...
1. School of Economics and Politics, University of Ulster, Shore Road, Newtownabbey Co, Antrim, BT37 0QB, UK ;Kluwer Academic PublishersEuropean Journal of Law & EconomicsTridimas, G., 2004. A political economy perspective of judicial review in the European Union. Judicial appointments rule, ...