(whether originally so appointed or not, and whether appointed under hand or seal, or by order of any court or otherwise), or as executor of the will, or administrator of the estate, of a deceased person or as judicial trustee appointed by order of any court, or in any other fiduciary...
or by order of any court or otherwise), or as executor of the will, or administrator of the estate, of a deceased personorasjudicial trustee appointed by order of any court,orinany other fiduciary capacity, shall, on and fromtheappointedday,beheldby Bank of East Asia aloneor,asthe case ...
conflict of interest in simultaneously acting as executor of an estate and as trustee of a testamentary trust and highlights the differences between the executor of an estate and a court-appointed administrator in a civil law jurisdiction... DW Wilson,J Wynne - 《Trusts & Trustees》 被引量: ...
member under Durable Power of Attorney, or as an Executor/Administrator of Estate or as a legal/court-appointed guardian. lacare.org lacare.org 會員代表也稱為個人 代表,可以是會員的配偶、親屬、朋友、律師、醫生、護理人員、會員透過持久委任書指定為代表的人、作 為遺產執行人/管理人,或法律/法院指定...
or as executor of the will, or administrator of the estate, of a deceased person or as judicial trustee appointed by order of any court, or in any other fiduciary capacity, shall, on and from the appointed day, be held by Standard Chartered [Bank] (Hong Kong) alone or, as the case ...
member under Durable Power of Attorney, or as an Executor/Administrator of Estate or as a legal/court-appointed guardian. lacare.org 會員代表也稱為個人 代表,可以是會員的配偶、親屬、朋友、律師、醫生、護理人員、會員透過持久委任書指定為代表的人、作 為遺產執行人/管理人,或法律/法 院指定 監護 ...