The interest capitalised is computedbyapplyinganaverage borrowing rate of outstanding debt to the total amount of qualifying assets under[...] 資本化之利息乃按照建造中合資格資產之總額 ,以平均借款利率計算 , 惟不可超逾所涉之利息成本總額 。
Unit 1 Applying for a JobTeaching Objectives: Understand how to prepare for a job interview; Conduct yourself appropriat
In years past, many retirees could count on a workplace pension combined with Social Security benefits and personal savings to help them afford their retirement as long as they had modest financial needs. But today, that's all changed; Social Security has not been keeping pace with withdrawal ...
apply to 付诸() apply动词 申请动() 不常见: 适用动 · 运用动 · 适合动 · 涂抹动 · 请求动 · 敷用动 · 使自己全神贯注动 例子: draw out pus by applying a plaster the affected area— 拔毒 describe (in writing, applying ink)— ...
Pension, social transfers and benefits, including unemployment allowance, social benefits and assistance measures, benefits and compensations to military personnel, maternity benefits, child care and other "child" benefits; - Insurance indemnities; lottery winnings; interest on deposits, and compensation for...