Going to college is a total waste of your time and money! Imagine hearing that as a student who just finished four years of hard, grueling, expensive work; or, even worse, as parents who paid for their child to finish that same grueling work. If college is supposed to prepare s... ...
If you’re a junior, take some time to research and make note of the various deadlines. You can keep track of the information by creating a Google Sheet or spreadsheet with all the colleges you’re interested in. Make a column with the current deadline, then add other columns that list...
Applying to College from a Competitive High School: How to Stand Out You’ve worked hard to get into a prestigious high school such asThomas JeffersonorStuyvesant. However, the work is hardly over. While attending a top high school does provide you with resources and guidance that can help ...
financial or social needs. transferring is an option. key takeaways transferring schools may not increase the time it takes to graduate. applications for transfer and first-year students are often similar. experts strongly advise against transferring from a four-year university as a j...
While sophomore year is not always thought of as a time to work on college applications, there are definitely a few steps that you can take to better prepare for the process. One strategy is to begin thinking about your college personal statement toward the end of your sophomore year. Even...
Transferring schools may not increase the time it takes to graduate. Applications for transfer and first-year students are often similar. Experts strongly advise against transferring from a four-year university as a junior or senior. Choosing which college to attend can be diffi...
will tell you that I was a dependable,conscientious worker. My part time work of approximately 25 hours a week enabled me to pay the major part of my college expenses. In addition to education and experience,Mr. Levy,my college activities have prepared me to work well with people. As ...
Junior Year First things first: do you want to go to law school? Around the beginning of the junior year of your bachelor degree, you should determine if a path into law is right for you. If so, you can begin researching law schools to apply to on theLSAC siteand schedule yourLSATfor...
Private scholarships will likely mail a check to you that you can use to pay your student balance. The scholarship organization may also send it directly to your college. If they can’t process it, be sure to talk to someone who represents the private scholarship as well as a financial ...
The article reports that the demand for college graduates in the United States has gone up, and there are opportunities out there. The trend of matching graduates to employers is increasing as job-seekers capitalize on jobs within healthy markets. Graduates armed with...