Dwyer R E.Concrete additives and method of applying stucco ce-ment.US,4049465. 1977Dwyer R E. Concrete additives and method of applying stucco cement : US ,4049465 [ P]. 1977 - 09 - 20.Dwyer R E.Concrete additives and method of applying stucco...
Brick, concrete block walls and even poured concrete walls are excellent surfaces to stucco. It is a common practice to stucco exposed poured-concrete foundations to mask the irregularities created by the wood or metal forms. Stucco also does a splendid job of hiding mortar joints in concrete-bl...
Wall clip and shim adapted for insulating concrete walls and similar materials Systems, components, and methods for attaching insulating foam panels to a wall provide additional insulation by virtue of the low thermal conductivity of the foam material of which the panels are made. Structural elements...
Jan. 30. Feeding-appliances.-Relates to apparatus of the kind in which the ingredients of cement, concrete, or stucco are mixed in and sprayed from a nozzle on to a wall or other surface, or into a mould for forming solid blocks, walls, &c. Fig. 2 shows a plan of the apparatus, ...