it is proven that the neural network control configuration components integrated into the configuration software can better improve the advanced control strategies and control station of the communication efficiency, improve the real-time performance of the control strategy of online operation, and provide...
9. Available online: Subject/result.php?B31557DC-DDD9--3C5D-9FA2-C7F176ADE896sector=CROPSgroup=FRUIT (accessed on 15 January 2017). 3. Brazelton, C. 2014 World Blueberry Statistics and Global Market Analysis; U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council: ...
Mukautetun viivatyylin käyttöön ottaminen Kun reitti tai kehys on valittuna, valitse mukautettu viivatyyli Viiva-paneelin Tyyppi-valikosta. Enemmän tällaisia Tekstin värin, liukuvärin tai viivan muuttaminen Lakisääteiset ilmoitukset|Online-tietosuojakäytäntö ...
Static method, especially when using templates generated offline to assist the online resource manager to make thermal-aware decisions based on the incoming workload and state of the HPC facility. Not been tested by real-world data. Only gives the optimized approximating linear manifold in the ...
/tghoreoedi(treemfesrmtoeTasaubrlee 4opfoprosretut noiftiytetmo rse).cycle and three itemSsubabjeiclittiyvetonroercmyc—lefi(vreefeitretmo sT:atbwleo6sftoartesmeteonftsiteambosu).t motivation to comply and three items about the perceptions of others (refer to Table 5 for set of it...
Online marketing began to take a role in purchases. People started to use the Internet to order and compare the prices and characteristics of interested products. At present, customers face diverse offers, which leads customers' decision process to be more complicated and their behavior become ...
Available online: (accessed on 24 January 2017). 4. Moreira-Matias, L.; Mendes-Moreira, J.; de Sousa, J.F.; Gama, J. Improving Mass Transit Operations by Using AVL-Based Systems: A Survey. IEEE Trans. Intell. Trans. Syst. ...
lAittutdhee preesaoknainttfhreqaumenpclyituodf ethsepteocrtsriuonmal amppoedaerst,htehseimdiusplaltaecdemdesnitgonf, wthheemreirtrhoerfiprlsatteamisp3l2ittuimdeespeaasklairngtehaesatmhaptliotuf dtheesapcetcutarutomrs,apwpheiachrsh, tahse bdeiesnplatceermpernotveonf tbhyecmhairraocrtepril...
2014. Available online: D=587 (accessed on 26 August 2013). 28. Ryan, C.; Zhang, C.; Deng, Z. The impacts of tourism at a UNESCO heritage site in China–a need for a meta-narrative? The case of the Kaiping Diaolou. J. Sustain. Tour...