To apply for a credit card, you’ll provide personal and financial information to the issuer, and they’ll use that to decide whether to offer you the card. Approval of your application will depend on various factors, such as credit score, income, and cr
News: It is not forbidden to submit several credit card applications for different credit cards. It may even make sense to apply for two or more credit cards to get the best one. However, multiple credit...
You may apply for as many credit cards as you like. But when you apply for credit multiple times over a long period of time, your credit score is likely to decline. If you carry multiple credit cards, you may be tempted to spend on them, which puts you at risk of carrying debt that...
You can compare Discover® credit cards to other industry-leading cards to choose the one that’s best for you. Find Discover® Cards that offer rewards in specific categories and everyday spending, all with no annual fee on every credit card. Learn More Can I get a credit card online...
Before you start applying for credit cards, it’s important to know how a new credit card could impact a number of factors that determine credit scores. Credit age Obtaining a new card can lower the average age of your credit accounts. But it may help to know that a reduced average accou...
There are a couple reasons they do so. First, this is another way for them to identify you and measure the risk of giving you a new account. Second, they may use this information to market other financial products like credit cards or home equity loans to you. ...
Customer Declaration (Mandatory For Non-Hong Kong Resident Applying For UnionPay Dual Currency Credit Card) Notice: If the applicant of UnionPay Dual Currency Credit Card is not a holder of a Hong Kong Identity Card, the said applicant MUST fill in and sign the "Customer Declaration". Please ...
The choices available can make you overwhelmed. There are 30+ banks offering different credit cards. And each of these banks offers multiple variants. So there are hundreds of cards out there to pick from. The key point is that one should select the credit card that is best suited to one...
For certain types of works (e.g., books or software), you may need to submit multiple copies. Check the Copyright Office’s Registering a Work resource to learn about acceptable submission formats for various types of works. Device preparation: Before you start the online application, turn ...
I explained I want to have a few bank accounts in my company here in Hong Kong, so that if I had a client who wanted to pay me in one bank account or the other, they could choose to do so. Seriously, what is wrong with applying for bank accounts at multiple banks? I did explain...