The paper demonstrates that an analysis of the characteristics of those deemed to be eligible and those actually receiving grants, suggests that it is children who do not have their biological mother as their PCG who are most likely not receiving the grant, even when eligible. It also highlights...
The PDI comprises26 items assessing parenting practices on four dimensions: nurturance (emotional quality of relationships), responsiveness (willingness of the parent to value the thoughts and feelings of the child ), nonrestrictive attitude (extent to which the parent grants the child freedom to ...
context, nature, source), they do share a common element of exposure to threat (i.e., threat to life or physical integrity). Therefore, we argue that the double hit of early threat and cancer treatments likely alters neural
Indeed, while not explicitly informed by a critical occupational perspective, research examining long-term unemployment for single parents underscores the need to explore occupations outside formal labor force activities. For example, Brady's [25] ethnographic work has highlighted the importance of ...