Their concern is that investigations are often protractedandapplyingtocourtfor renewalevery two months would create inconvenience to the law enforcement agencies. 他們擔心由於調查通常是曠日持久的 工作,若規定每兩個月須向法院申請續期,將會對執法機關造成不 便。
as very safe as we also have forgi as we forgive others as we see today as we were walking pa as well as income as well as students as well be handed for as with any study as you certainly know as you discovered as you instructed as you turn away as young as your dad as your ...
Mr Fred LI said that the Bill sought to shorten thetimerequired for applying foraclosure order from the court in respect of unlicensed [...] 李華明議員表示,條例草案旨在縮短就無 牌食店/ 食物工場向 法庭申請封閉令所需的時間 , 以及授權食物環境 生 署署長 ...
The results for H1 show that the factor that has the greatest effect on service ability in a restaurant is the working environment, followed by teamwork/communication among employees and departments. The results for H2 show that teamwork/communication has the greatest effect on employee satisfaction....
trade and health researchers have considered how international trade rules may promote health policy non-decisions. This includes through legal analyses of the potential for substantive and procedural aspects of trade and investment agreements to restrict policy space to mitigate the health impacts of unh...
post-secondary programmes, we propose to bring the means-tested grant under the FASP on par withthatofLSFSwitheffectfromthe 2006/07 academic yearbyapplyingthesame sliding scale as set out in the Enclosure for determining the grant level for each applicant as a percentage of the maximum grant ...
While all staffareresponsible for applyingagender perspective to their work, not everyone has been trained to do so. 尽管所有的工作人员都有责任在其工作中实行两性平等观点,但不是每个人 都接受了这样做的培训。
These days, however,theword"app"ismainlyusedin connection withtheapplicationsspecially designed for modern smartphones and tablet computers. 而在当代的语言应用中,应用程序一般指适用于现代智能手机和平板电脑的应用, 它是操作系统的一部分。