Chapter 10. Applying the Attachment Framework: An Attachment-Driven Case Studydoi:10.1002/9780470713556.ch10single case studyjuvenile sexual offendingattachment-informed case formulationblending casesPhil Rich EdD, MSW
while the shortest processing time (SPT) rule and the earliest due date (EDD) rule are optimal for the total completion time problem and the maximum la... GH Graves,CY Lee - 《Naval Research Logistics》 被引量: 301发表: 1999年 Disruption management for machine scheduling: The case of SPT...
4004619Method and apparatus for preparing and packaging mastic coating material1977-01-25Eddlemon et al.222/146.2 3833014ASPHALT STORAGE TANK WITH INERT GAS SEAL1974-09-03Scheetz222/146.2 3813012AIR POWERED SEALANT DISPENSER, INCLUDING FLEXIBLE TUBULAR CONDUITS AS VALVE MEANS1974-05-28Laird222/389 ...
Inventors: Barton, Eddison William Application Number: US18669150A Publication Date: 03/30/1954 Filing Date: 09/26/1950 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: GISHOLT MACHINE CO Primary Class: 53/291 Other Classes: 156/DIG.15, 271/131, 414/797.9 ...
Perhaps you want to test a new product or service offering but only to those online customers who are based in one geographical area and only for a limited time. IBM Business Process Manager or IBM Operational Decision Manager business rules, combined with the repository, make this capability ...
heritage Article Applying ICOMOS-IFLA Principles for the Conservation, Management and Reuse of a Historical Hydraulic System: The No-Ras Qanat in North-Western Iran Federico Zaina * , Paola Branduini and Fereshteh Zavvari Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering, ...
DDaattaa ssuupppplliieedd bbyy AAuucckkllaanndd CCoouunncciill.. The New Zealand Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment recommended "in revising [NewThZeeaNlaenwdZ] ecaenlatnradl PgaorvliearmnmenetnatrydiCreocmtimonisasniodnegrufiodratnhcee EonnvSirLoRn,mtoenstpreecciofymtmhaetn"dbeedst"ie...
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És azt hiszem, hogy részben az, hogy mi vagyunk, elfelejtettem, tudod, én viselem az Ecwidot póló Itt mindenképpen meg kell említenem, hogy miért szeretnél egy terméket a fotón, most megjelölheted, megjelölheted ezt a fotót, ezt a bejegyzést a termékeddel. Te...
Om du vill förhandsvisa linjen med olika linjebredder anger du en bredd med hjälp av alternativet Förhandsvisa bredd. Använd för för streckade och prickade mönster alternativet Hörn om du vill ange hur streck eller punkter ska placeras för att hålla ett mönster...