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It is possible for toxins, radiation and chemicals to harm these genes during adulthood [4]. Breast cancer is classified based on the cells in the breast that eventually become cancerous [5]. There are many types of breast cancer. The first type is ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), a ...
However, implementation of the joint approach results significant improvement and good impressions to the customers and a cleaner and comfortable working condition for the employees and management. Their research provides approaches to aid in reducing the online rejection during the moulding process. Based...
Consequently, models and techniques that contribute to the development of efficient systems and that provide quality of service are a topic of great interest for the academic community. In the context of large-scale road transport systems, knowledge of demand is important, as it must be taken ...
34. ASTM D2015-00 Test Method for Gross Calorific Value of Coal and Coke by the Adiabatic Bomb Calorimeter. Available online: (accessed on 12 April 2016). 35. Mumtaz, M.W.; Adnan, A.; Anwar, F.; Mukhtar, H.; Raza, M.A.; Ahmad, F. ...
aatt wwhhiicchh ttiimmee tthhee ccoonncceennttrraattiioonnss ooff sstteevviiooll ggllyyccoossiiddeess wweerree 11117700.1.1mmgg//LL ((RR))aanndd339999.2.2mmgg//LL((SS))..TThheetototatal lcoconntetnent ot foRf RanadndS wS awsaessteimstiamteadtetdo btoe b9e.492.4g2/1g0/100g0 ...
2. Literature For decades researchers have been searching for variables that influence behavior and to identify the variables affecting behavior the most. Published in the mid-1970s, some of the first studies on recycling behavior include the effect of information and incentives on paper recycling ...
Introduction In many parts of the world, mountains play an indispensable role in providing water for households, irrigation, hydropower production and other uses [1–4]. When focussing on Central Europe, it is the Alps with its apparently inexhaustible water resources, with an environmental, ...
tY, emt,amnayniymipmrporvoevmeemnetsntisnincuclutlutruer-ee-membebdeddededddeevveeloloppmmeennt tsshhoouuldld bbee particularly emphasiizzeedd.. For example, more customized tourist-oriented eye-catchinngg symboollss with local cultural meaninnggss shoouulldd be added, such as lotus lanterns...