but there are others you may want to look up ahead of time. For example, you may not know your business EIN off-hand if you’re applying for a business credit card, and you may need to check in with your spouse or partner to find out the exact household income you can list on you...
If you don't fit into any of these categories, fear not: there are still ways to obtain a credit card without a Social Security number. A credit card can be relied upon in an emergency, a convenient method to pay for online and in-store purchases, and a way to rack up rewards. Whe...
In credit card processing, some industries are considered “high risk.” A business considered high risk might be in an industry with higher than average chargebacks, sell items that are age restricted, or have other variables that pose a greater risk of issues for a processor. Because of tha...
LIME (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations) to generate explanations for individual predictions by approximating the model locally with an interpretable model [23]. LIME can be applied in finance to understand a model's local decision-making process, such as explaining why a credit card ...