I am applying for American citizenship.’ Voy a solicitar la ciudadanía americana. Literature I am applying for a mobile phone. Iré por mi celular. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 I am applying for the post of correspondent to the London News. Estoy esforzándome por lograr el puesto de ...
portbeforeapplyingforthevisatoavoidanydelayintheprocessingofyourapplica on; •Aphotograph.Ifyouruploadwassuccessful,butthephotographdoesnotmeetStateDepart- mentspeci ca ons,wewillnotbeabletoacceptyourapplica on. Thedocumentsrequiredvarydependingonthevisacategory.Pleaseseeourwebsiteforfurther ...
Device for intermittently applying particles of a pulverulent toner to the recording medium of a magnetographic printerApplication aux imprimantes magnétographiques. Application to Magnetographic printers.doi:EP0328428 A1Cherbuy, BernardEstavoyer, Jacques...
for environmental offences. A basic premise of the article is that for those interested in eco-justice and green criminology, it is vitally important to describe what an eco-just future might look like, and this includes recognition of and support for already existing ecocentric initiatives ...
For us, these factors seemed to, in an unintentional way, challenge the removal of hierarchical relations since the technical device of the camera required outside expertise from the outset. The method also potentially imposed the use of a particular technical tool for communication that required a...
In other words, the opening of a policy window determines the likelihood that an issue will become a policy agenda item. This mostly occurs when a policy window opens in the problem or politics stream that emphasizes the need for policy action [14]. While policy windows are particularly ...
The lack of an effective system for assessing and predicting these hazards, as well as adequate mitigation strategies, poses a latent threat. Figure 1. Ubication map. High vulnerability of housing on the hillsides of Metropolitan Lima. The assessment of mass movement susceptibility (MMS) is ...
The range was established by confirming that the analytical procedure provides an acceptable degree of linearity, accuracy and precision when applied to samples containing amounts of analyte from the LOQ to 200% of 0.15% for the S-isomer. 3.5.6. Robustness The effect of change in flow rate, ...