Applying the RE-AIM framework to the Alberta's Caring for Diabetes Project: A protocol for a comprehensive evalua- tion of primary care quality improvement interventions. BMJ 2012;2:5.Wozniak L, Rees S, Soprovich A, et al. Applying the RE-AIM framework to the Alberta's Caring for ...
50 of the Health Information Act of Alberta, Canada. Statistical considerations Aggregated counts for each grouping based on ICD-10 coding were retrieved, and stratified by adults (age ≥ 18), children (age 1–17), and infants (age < 1 year). Frequencies were calculated for adults...
We held a 1-day workshop for LTC residents, families, directors/administrators, ethicists, and clinicians from Manitoba, Alberta, and Ontario. The workshop aimed to identify: (1) shared understandings of ACP, (2) barriers to respecting resident wishes, and (3) solutions to better respect ...
Implementation of these methods form a platform for future national surveillance and health care quality research. Methods Data source We used the GWTG-Stroke registry from 2012 to 2014 to evaluate post-stratification weighting procedures to represent the entire U.S. acute ischemic stroke (AIS) ...
It is well known that science can be misused to hinder the resolution (i.e., the elimination and/or control) of a health problem. To recognize distorted and misapplied epidemiological science, a 33-item “Toolkit for detecting misused epidemiological methods” (hereinafter, the Toolkit) was publ...
Improved search performance has the potential to enhance the transfer of research into practice and improve patient care.doi:10.18438/B8CG7NKate KellyUniversity of AlbertaEvidence Based Library and Information Practice
Dalrymple, P.W. (2010) Applying Evidence in Practice: What We Can Learn from Healthcare, Evidence Based Library & Information Practice, 5(1) 43-47. [online]. URL: [accessed 26.09.13]...
Healthcare-newsPharmaceutical-servicesPrescribingThe Alberta College of Pharmacists (ACP) has approved an evaluation process for pharmacists applying for additional prescribing authorisation. Legislation permitting pharmacists to prescribe in Alberta was initially enacted in April 2007. After orientation to this...