Water 2018, 10, 906 Water 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 18 7 of 18 FFiigguurree 22.. FFllooww cchhaarrtt ttoo rreeaalliiggnn vveelloocciittyy aanndd ffoorrccee ddaattaa ssiiggnnaallss.. TThhee aallggoorriitthhmm iiss pprroovviiddeedd iinn tthhee AAppppeennddiixx AA aass ...
Since the Weibull distribution lacks a bathtub or upside-down bathtub-shaped hazard rate feature, it cannot be used to model a system's complex lifetime, according to Peng and Yan (2014) [16]. Hence, many extensions of the Weibull distribution are raised to overcome this deficiency. For ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article Applying Unconventional Secretion in Ustilago maydis for the Export of Functional Nanobodies Marius Terfrüchte 1,2, Michèle Reindl 1,2, Silke Jankowski 1,2, Parveen Sarkari 3, Michael Feldbrügge 1,2 and Kerstin Schipper 1,2,* 1 Institute ...
Owing to the development of servo press and hydraulic press [17,18], superimposing vibration to forming dies or workpieces during plastic processes has become a reality. Many scholars have devoted considerable effort for the development of vibration-assisted forming techniques, which enables the ...
1.1. Aim and Scope The aim of this paper is to assess the process of applying regenerative thinking and reflect on the outcomes for the participants and the design of the masterplan of a 680-hectare project, "Seacombe West", in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, 217 km southeast of Melbourne....
First, to apply FEATHERS for travel demand forecasting, a geographical structure has to be determined in the first place, because based on different levels of geographical detail, i.e., the size of the traffic analysis zones (TAZs), the number of required data and the way to collect and ...
1.2. Systems Engineering Failures Due to Lack of Systems Thinking There have been many Systems Engineering and design failures due to a lack of applying Systems Thinking. In this section, we describe a few of the more infamous cases. Systems 2018, 6, 3x4FOR PEER REVIEW 33ooff2200 Galloping ...
Applied to the case study of finding the best location for a 5 MW solar PV project in northern Cameroon, the optimization results showed that Mokolo was the optimal location. The sensitivity analysis results revealed that the rankings of alternative sites based on the project's NPV and the ...
Through case projects, we have presented how this framework can be used for decision making in several statuses. As a result of the analysis using the performance index of the queuing model, it was possible to monitor the status of the system according to the allocation of resources. In ...
3.1. Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator Technique (LASSO) Tibshirani [5] proposed a new method for estimation and predictor selection in linear models. The LASSO is an effective technique for shrinkage and selection method for linear regression. It minimizes the residual sum of squares ...