Applying forapproval involves a great deal of red tape. 申请批准牵涉许多繁文缛节. 辞典例句 I amapplying fora fellowship. 我在申请研究生奖学金. 辞典例句 Have you studied any courses related to the post you areapplying for? 你曾修读与这份工作有关的科目 吗 ?
This chapter will give you information about what's needed to help you make this decision, how to go about applying, how to prepare for fellowship interviews, and how to make the final choice on your ideal fellowship.doi:10.1007/978-3-030-75370-2_1Alla Kushnir...
Compile a comprehensive list of fellowships that you can apply to. This list should include key information to organise your game plan for applying, including sponsor (agency sponsoring the fellowship) name; sponsor deadlines; and any other requirements or critical information. To find suitable fello...
I am applying for a fellowship.我在申请研究生奖学金。 Above terms shall apply unless otherwise mention.除非另有说明书,上述条件一概适用。 常用短语 1. apply for:申请,请求 2. apply to:申请,请求,适用于 3. apply in writing:书面申请 4. apply oneself to:致力于,专心于 5. apply for a job...
I am applying for a job. Estoy aplicando para un trabajo. Tatoeba-2020.08 I am applying for a fellowship at Stanford. Estoy solicitando una beca en Stanford. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 "Of course, I am applying the term ""analogical unity"" to a different problematic." Bien entendido que...
With the ongoing medical, surgical, and technological advances being made, this subspecialty is poised to stand at the forefront of cutting-edge medicine for the foreseeable future. As such, it should come as no surprise that a retina fellowship position remains highly coveted and competitive, as...
First off, while a fellowship can be a fantastic opportunity, don’t apply just because it sounds fun or you’re looking for something to fill your time. My friends who’ve gone after fellowships without clear goals have often felt listless when it comes time to launch their projects. ...
(HealthDay)—The process of selecting and preparing for a fellowship training program, specifically pulmonary and/or critical care medicine, should begin early in residency, according to an article published online March 5 in the Annals of the American T
majority oftheapplications fortheHongKongPhDFellowship Scheme and the applications from Hong Kong students were few. 大學教育資助委員會主席承認,香港博士研究生獎學金計劃的申請大部分來自內地學生,而來自 香港學生的申請僅屬少數。
a big pull with this program – accepted students are granted an Early Advancement Award of $10,000, which covers part of their MBA tuition. These students are also eligible for other Stern scholarships, including the Berkley Early Advancement Fellowship, which covers all fees and tuition for ...