If you were born outside Canada and at least one of your biological or legal parents at birth were a Canadian citizen, you may be eligible forCanadian citizenship. You may submit a “proof of Canadian citizenship” application to the Canadian government, which is also known as ...
Nearly all nationalities, including all Canadian citizens, need to apply for a visa before traveling toIndia. This can take a bit of time and forward planning, which means that applying for an Indian visa is an essential part ofplanning any trip to India.There are 2 main options for Indian...
At the same time, the child may automatically acquire or qualify to apply for foreign citizenship. For example, a child born in the U.S. is normally a citizen. And a child born outside the U.S. to one citizen parent and one noncitizen parent automatically acquires citizenship at birth ...
FormoreinformationontheprogramsofferedbyCitizenshipandImmigrationCanada,pleasevisitourWebsiteat.cic.gc.ca.Forsometypesofapplicationsyoucaninformusofachangeofaddressandfindoutwhatishappeningonyourapplicationthroughon-lineservicesontheWebsite. OutsideCanada IfyouareoutsideCanada,youcancontactaCanadianembassy,highcommiss...
in Canada, and planning to visit Germany for tourism, business, or family reasons with a stay of up to 90 days, you may need to apply for a German Short-stay visa. This is commonly referred to as the Germany Schengen visa, and the specific requirements depend on your citizenship. ...
“(a) At least one parent is Chinese; and (b) Either: (1) no Chinese parent has settled abroad; or (2) the child has not acquired foreign citizenship at birth.ChineseNationality Law, article 5 Who Can Apply for Renunciation? The requirements laid down in Articles 10 and 12 of the Nat...
You don’t have to be a U.S. citizen to get an EIN. And you don’t have to be a U.S. resident to get an EIN either. In fact, there are no citizenship or residency requirements to forming an LLC in the U.S. and there are no citizenship or residency requirements for getting an...
If you’re a Canadian citizen looking to work, live, and travel in the United States legally, then a Green Card is essential. While it may seem daunting, the...
Canada’s immigration department doesn’t recognize virtual marriages for family-class sponsorship, however, foreign spouses might still be able to cross the border. The rule dates back to 2015.Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada(IRCC) decided that only Canadian Armed Forces members could sp...
alternative. nudge thinking is a stark departure from the traditional “carrots and sticks” approach. it relies on the idea that small changes to the “choice environment” can encourage large changes in people’s actions. part of the appeal of nudges—for both those seeking ...