At the moment,NBI Clearance outletshave 63 completely operational Clearance Centersacross the country. There are sixteen(16) Regional NBI Clearanceand twenty-two(22) from District workplaces, while eleven(11) of them are situated at Local Government Unitsand whatever remains of them are situated at...
If you are working in the US on a work visa, you need to get an employment letter from your current company verifying that you are working in the US on an H1B, L1, or other visa, including Green Card, OPT or STEM OPT. This is to ensure you are in good standing in the US and ...
One of our friend had applied ITIN the previous year from there and it took him a whole day, so waiting there in long queue with a toddler after taking off from work was for sure not good option for us. Update: From 2017 onwards, TAC will work on ‘appointment basis’ only so it ...