Applying to The University of Melbourne 2023年墨尔本大学招生信息说明会(苏州站) 2023年墨尔本大学招生信息说明会苏州站于9月17日在苏州中银大厦举办。 接下来,让我们跟随去到现场的西浦就业中心的升学老师一起了解本场说明会都有哪些新鲜咨询吧~ 向下滑动查看 PART ONE 大学信息速览 学校简介 墨尔本大学在墨尔本和...
1. The University of Melbourne The University is ranked at no. 13th in the QS World University Ranking -2025 and no. 1 within Australia. The University of Melbourne is ranked 8th in Graduate Employability Worldwide 2022, 2ndin Australia for graduate employability in 2025. Anatomy and physiology...
He applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them. 他向四所大学提出了申请 并且所有的大学陡录取了他。 例句2: Jim's girlfriend has applied for the further education in Melbourne University. 吉姆的女朋友已经向墨尔本大学提出了教育申请。
墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne),简称墨大,始建于1853年,是一所世界顶尖的研究型大学,南半球首屈一指的学术重镇。墨尔本大学是澳洲六所砂岩学府之一,是澳大利亚八校联盟、环太平洋大学联盟、亚太国际贸易教育暨研究联盟、英联邦大学协会的核心成员,Universitas 21的创始会员和秘书处所在地,为全球最负盛名的大学...
You’ve made the final decision ofstudying abroadand becoming an international student. Now you just need to do your research and apply for a university. Are you too afraid to begin the process and keep postponing it? Well, no need to stress out! The sooner you start searching ...
墨尔本大学商学院最新重要更新#留学澳大利亚#墨尔本大学 (University of Melbourne) • 2024 S1,商学院以下硕士课程目前已经满位(不是所有学生都被审理到): o Master of International Business o Master of Management o Master of Management (Accounting) ...
Apply Now We believe that a strong sense of community is built on the strength and power in numbers. We give students an opportunity to grow by empowering them as leaders within their network, enabling mentees' passions with resources they need for success along the way! become part accomplishe...
Full-time MBA/Master of Marketing全日制工商管理硕士/市场营销硕士13硕士墨尔本大学研究生申请条件: 0 雅思最低标准: 7; 总分要求: 102; 听力: 21; 阅读: 21; 口语: ${program.requirement.english.ibt.speaking.min}; 写作: 24; 0墨尔本大学 The University of Melbourne澳大利亚 ...
MS in Computer Information Systems @ Boston University MS in Business Analytics @ ASU Online MS in Applied Data Science @ Syracuse M.S. Management & Data Science @ Leuphana Master of Data Science @ Melbourne University Msc in Data Science @ The University of Edinburgh Master of Management Analyt...
Master of Applied Linguistics应用语言学硕士 13 硕士 墨尔本大学研究生申请条件: 0 雅思最低标准: 6.5; 0 0 0 0 0 申请费用: 100 墨尔本大学 The University of Melbourne 澳大利亚 Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing创意写作,出版和编辑学硕士 13 硕士 墨尔本大学研究生申请条件: 0 雅思最低...