"name": "Alberta", "id": 5883102, "ascii_name": "Alberta", "code": "CA.01" }, "geonames_admin2": { "name": null, "id": null, "ascii_name": null, "code": null }, "license": { "attribution": "Data from geonames.org under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license": "http:/...
Land acknowledgements seem most prevalent in B.C. (where 76 per cent said they have heard one) and the least prevalent in Quebec (where 50 per cent said they have). In between come Alberta (71 per cent), Manitoba and Saskatchewan (69 per cent), Ontario (67 per cent) and the Atlantic...
Established in 2017, the goal of the program is to support UESI Pipelines Conference attendance by public sector employees. The Pipelines 2021 Conference is set to take place Aug. 3-6, 2021 at the Calgary Telus Convention Centre in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. // ** Advertisement ** // ...
U.S. arrest documents detailed how the Alberta police service received a complaint earlier this year from a woman who alleges she was sexually assaulted as a 15-year-old and taken to the United States as one of Chasing Horse’s multiple wives. The woman said she also met C...
As part of a 34-week full-time career skills training program offered by the centre, the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology offers a 12-week certificate on the fundamentals of Canadian accounting. The certificate consists of two intermediate-level courses in accounting and one in Canadian tax...
Y. DUL. GUANB. BAIBecause technology changes everything: Petroleum Society's 5th canadian international petroleum conference (55th annual technical meeting), June 8-10, 2004, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
As to whether a university’s act of camp clearing counts as state action by way of doing the government’s bidding, the courts have provided, again, conflicting guidance. In the case of UAlberta Pro-Life, the court found the U of A administration was engaged in state action when it im...
相对而言,Computer Science这个专业的转学申请难度很大,往年UNC的CS major属于top30的大学里面比较accessible的,今年也开始摆谱,即便非常优秀的申请者,要么给发Waitlist,要么给录取到其他的college/major里面去了。截止至2024年4月,威申团队所服务的当季学生已经全部收到一所院校以上本科转学录取。更多的结果将于接下来的...
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