Voters who know that they will not be able to vote on election day at the polling station listed based on their address given to the Fijian Elections Office, should apply for postal voting when the Writ of Elections is issued. This has been c...
allocated to them may at least 3 days before the pollingday applytothe CEO for re-allocation of a polling station specifically [...] 投票人/獲授權代表 如因殘疾而難於前往獲編配的投票站,可在投票日至少 3日前,向總選舉事務主任申請重新編配往特別指定為該些投票人 服...
Athletes mayalsoapplyforleave of absence,suspension, deferral or extension of studies to suit their study pace, in accordance with the regulations of individual institutions. 在學運動員 亦可依照所屬院校的規定,提出請假、休學、延遲修業或延長修業 期的申請,以配合自己的修業進...
I have a Windows Server 2012R2 with Exchange 2013 on it that unable to get updated. No matter what I do, as soon as it is rebooted and start the boot-up updating sequence, I get an error that the update failed and it is rolled back. I cannot find anything particular in the Windows...
I have a Windows Server 2012R2 with Exchange 2013 on it that unable to get updated. No matter what I do, as soon as it is rebooted and start the boot-up updating sequence, I get an error that the update failed and it is rolled back. I cannot find anything particular in the Windows...