如果你的网站所在的服务器是IIS 7.0及以上版本,而且你可以在服务器上运行脚本(我猜测还需要服务器可以主动向Let's Encrypt网站发送一些内容),可以尝试用如下脚本来验证。 1Complete-ACMEChallenge dns1 -ChallengeType http-01 -Handler iis -HandlerParameters @{ WebSiteRef = 'DefaultWeb Site' } 其中'Default ...
Cant join client to domain Certain scheduled tasks do not run anymore after DST change Certificate Authority Web Enrollment - CSP states loading Certificate disappears when loading in IIS 8.5 Certificate Templates Folder Missing From Certification Authority Hierarchy Change CA Public Key bit Lengh Chang...
We are working on a new asp.net core web api.We have a person model with one field Occupation which is a Enum, its throwing error in swagger and , if I change to string ,no error.is there any way I can use the enum as model field and apply required field validation that, user ...
PAGES IN THIS WEBSITE 0 SSL EXTERNAL LINKS 173 SITE IP LOAD TIME 0 sec SCORE 6.2 PAGE TITLE 英国大学申请频道_申请时间_申请流程_申请要求_申请材料_申请条件_中英网www.uker.net-英国留学申请签证第一站 | apply.uker.net Reviews <META> DESCRIPTION 英国大学申请最新资讯,包括英国留学申...
12-15-using-traefik-as-a-reverse-proxy.md +++ b/_articles/en/2020-12-15-using-traefik-as-a-reverse-proxy.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ title: Using Traefik as a reverse proxy excerpt: >- In need for exposing websites and applications easily on the internet with a valid SSL certificate ?
AntiForgery Tokens on Web API Controllers Any way to pass whole model to controller from view? Application works in IIS Express, but fails when published to IIS 10 Apply a bootstrap class to my Html.DropDownListFor applying CSS layouts to a partial view Arabic letters & English letters only...
https://www.tecklyfe.com/how-to-fix-group-policy-error-windows-could-not-determine-if-the-user-and-computer-accounts-are-in-the-same-forest/Tip: This answer contains the content of a third-party website. Microsoft makes no representations about the content of these websites. We provide this...
Add FTP Site not available - Windows Server 2008 R2 Web x64 IIS7.5 Add range of IP address on DNS server Add Trusted Sites by GPO and allow the user to edit / add Trusted Sites manually. Add Windows 10 Key on KMS Server Adding computer accounts listed in CSV file to a Security Group...
Cannot add to Quick Access in File Explorer Cannot create "basic task" in task scheduler error: deprecated Cannot Enable .Net Framework 3.5 on Windows 10 Cannot export certificate as .pfx Cannot find file c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe svchost.exe -k unistacksvcgroup.config Cannot get settings...
Can't access SSL-secured web content from Remote Desktop Server Can't add own application to RemoteApps - "You must specify a file from the RD Session Host server SERVERNAME by using the UNC path... Can't change username... Can't connect to any resources via RD Gateway from External...