CMS releases long‐awaited final rule to apply federal parity to Medicaid, CHIPNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/mhw.30562CanadyValerie A.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Mental Health Weekly
AUSTIN, Texas-Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) are urging eligible Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) providers to apply for federal COVID-19 relief funds. "Health care providers are on the front lines serving Texan...
該計畫是由聯邦政府與各州共同出資,透過醫療補助計畫(Medicaid)與個別的CHIP計畫,提供醫療保險給符合資格的兒童。 在某些州,CHIP的承保對象也包含成人或孕婦。 CHIP提供低費用的醫療保險給兒童,有些兒童的家庭收入高,無法符合醫療補助 (Medicaid) ,同時又負擔不起私人保險公司的高額保費,也能符合申請CHIP的資格。 Medi...