Process applications for all types of Canadian temporary and permanent visa classes such as visitor visa, student visa, work permit, skilled worker immigration, business immigration, investor and entrepreneur class, self employed class, family and marria
48 economic activities that can be practiced with a UAE Freelancer licence The decision by the ADDED of qualifying non-citizens for Freelancer licences will have a positive impact on the services sector in the UAE as the economic activities covered under this type of licence are mostly service-re...
(cont'd) 0963 U Alberta 0817 U Alberta Business PhD Prog 0965 U British Columbia 0813 U Calgary 0635 U College-Cape Breton 0892 U Guelph 0990 U Kings Coll 0931 U Laval 0855 U Lethbridge 0973 U Manitoba 0992 U Montreal 0976 U New Brunswick 0320 U Northern British Columbia 0993 U Ottawa...