When applying for a nonimmigrant visa, you are required to upload a digital photograph taken within the last six months as part of completing and submitting the Form DS-160. You should also bring a copy of your photograph to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate on the day of your interview. Yo...
visa or are a national of a Visa Waiver Program participating country.If you do need to apply for a nonimmigrant visa, please follow the steps below.How to ApplyStep 1For Nonimmigrant Visa applicants:Determine your visa type by reading Common Nonimmigrant Visas. Each visa type explains the ...
HowtoApplyforaNonimmigrantVisa UsingtheDS-160Application 1.WhoneedstofillouttheDS-157? Ifyouareovertheageof15,youmustalsocompletetheDS-157usingthefollowingguidelines: OnQuestion3:Besuretowriteyournameinyournativealphabet(Arabic,Kurdish,etc.) OnQuestion12:Pleaselistallofyouremployerssinceyoucompletedyourstu...
内容提示: How to Apply for a Nonimmigrant Visa Mission Mexico, March 2011 STEP 1: Select Visa type. (http://mexico.usembassy.gov/visas/non-immigrant-visas/visa-categories.html) STEP 2: Complete the DS-160 Online Application (https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/) STEP 3: Go ...
DS-260 Online Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration 热度: HOWTOAPPLYFORANON-IMMIGRANTVISA(NIV) AllZimbabweansmustobtainavisabeforeentryintotheUnitedStates. CitizensofVisaWaiverProgramcountriesshouldclickhereforgeneral information,passportrequirements,andregisteringtheirtravelthroughthe ...
Apply for a U.S. Visa in Hong Kong and Macau Home (index.html?firstTime=No)Login (https://cgifederal.secure.force.com/?language=English&country=Hong%20Kong)Contact Us (hk-main-contactus.asp)FAQ (hk-gen-faq.asp)Nonimmigrant Visa Information (#)Nonimmigrant Visa Application (#)Immigrant ...
Complete Form DS-160: The next step is to fill out Form DS-160, the Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application. This form is available on the US Department of State website. Pay the Visa Fee: After completing the form, you will need to pay the visa application fee. Keep the receipt as proof...
STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE OF APPLYING FOR USA TOURIST VISA 1. Pay the visa applicationfee(USD 160); 2. Complete the Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application (DS-160)form(Answer it truthfully); 3. Schedule your appointment onthis web page. You will need three pieces of information in order to sche...
第一步:进入美签面试预约入口,并选择“Temporary Visa – nonimmigrant visa applicant”; 第二步:勾选个人情况,注册账号密码并确认; 第三步:填写个人信息并回答系统问题; 第四步:选择护照取件地点,预留取件人信息; 第五步:支付签证申请费; 第六步:在加拿大七个美国领事馆中任选一个预约面试; ...
When I apply for a nonimmigrant visa using the online DS-160, are additional forms required? When applying at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate that is using the new DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, you will use only one form. This has replaced forms: DS-156, DS-157, DS-158,...