TESOL / TEFL or an English Teaching Certificate comprising a minimum of 100 course hours (can be applied for now as long as qualification will be received before arrival date) - don't have tefl? Learn more here For applicants who need to complete a TEFL course in order to get the eligibi...
If you and your family got ILR as EU citizens, you need to prove that you have stayed in the country for five years, followed the corresponding agreement(s) between the UK and the EU, and all that time either worked on payroll or earned a living in any other legal way without applyin...
NSO Birth Certificate(original and a photocopy) CEDULAor "Community Tax Certificate". You can get this in Cebu City Hall. Just ask somebody there in Cebu City Hall where to get the CEDULA. You can get it for a cost of 34 pesos (this is year 2010). I don't know how much is the...
for which Limited Registration has been granted is eligible for registration. Each regis tration certificate for such dog shall carry notice of the limitation, and the limitation shall continue, regardless of any change of ownership, unless and until the owner(s) of the litter at birth shall...
date of birth nationality Current immigration status Certificate of Sponsorship The sponsor will need to assign the applicant a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) before the sponsored skilled worker can apply for leave to enter the UK, or remain in the UK, under a visa. The Certificate of Sponso...