In 2014, the state government of Rajasthan has introduced the Bhamashah Yojana and Bhamashah card to empower women. Under the scheme, the women from below poverty line (BPL) families are benefited through direct benefit transfer. The beneficiary of the scheme gets the amount directly into their ... [...] for the purposes of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these Bye-Lawsshall applyasif he were a Director. [...] 董事接收董事會會議或董事委員會會議的通知,並有權在此範圍內出席作出 委任的董事未有親身出席的任何會議...
[...] social needs and whose home environment has been assessed as no longer fit for future living may apply for “Compassionate Rehousing” to a suitable public rental flat to enable his/her continued living in the community. 此外,有真正醫療及社交需要而家居環境又被評估 為...