You mustqualify for Medicaid. Low-income is only one test forMedicaid eligibility; assets and resources are also tested against established thresholds. As noted earlier, categorically needy persons who are eligible for Medicaid may or may not also receive cash assistance from the Temporary Assistance ...
When you’re connected, you’re ready for anything. Signing up is easy and fast from your mobile device at You may qualify if you are eligible for public assistance programs like the National School Lunch Program, Housing Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, SSI, and ...
Alternatively, you can apply for a free government iPhone 11 if you participate in the below-mentioned assistance programs. Medicaid Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Food Stamps Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA) WIC Free and Reduced-Price Sc...
One-year commitment to a full-time position in Chicago, Illinois Stipend $80,000 for the one-year period Location JAMA Network offices in downtown Chicago Contact We have recognized your opt-out signal. To learn more about changing your opt-in signal preferences, please...
Whether you want to apply for Food Stamps, Section 8, Medicaid or to any other government assistance program, get the help you need with our free guide!
Social Security. SSI is designed to meet the basic needs of older, blind, and/or disabled Americans who have little or no income. SSI consists of a monthly payment to help with the cost of food, clothing, and shelter and can let you qualify for Medicaid coverage as well as food stamps...
The applicant should be a participant in theSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP), Low-Income Housing Energy Assistance Plan (LIHEAP),Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF), Medicaid, National Free School Lunch (NSL) program, Section 8 Federal Housing Assistance (FPHA), and Suppleme...
To receive a free iPhone, you need to meet the program’s eligibility requirements. You can qualify for the Lifeline program in three ways: Your household income must be 135% or less of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. You must participate in federal assistance programs like SNAP, Medicaid, SS...
If you live in Kentucky and want to apply for Medicaid and or K-TAP (cash assistance), complete this form. Send or take it to the local Department for Community Based Services office. Once we get this form, an interview will be scheduled to complete the application process. ...
Free clinicsEven after the introduction of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), uninsured visits remain high, especially in states that opted out of Medicaid expansion. Since the ACA does not provide universal coverage, free clinics serve as safety nets for the un- or under-...