] # If all voxels are masked in a slice (say that happens at k=10), # then the value for ijk_counts for the projection to k (ie. ijk_counts[2]) # at that element of the orthogonal axes (ijk_counts[2][10]) is # the total number of voxels in that slice (ie. Ni x Nj)....
The event name, time, and mean/standard-deviation of accumulated rainfall for the 22 cases are listed in Table 1. Shown in the table is also the number of flooded townships as reported by local observers in street blocks with low-lying terrains or at regional flow joints. Basically, ...
Sets env vars for dev if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' run: | echo "ENV=dev-${{ github.head_ref }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - echo "ENV_URL=http://dev.blog.eleven-labs.com.s3-website.${{ env.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION }}.amazonaws.com/${{ github.head_ref }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV...
defcuts_from_bbox(mask_nii, cuts=3):"""Finds equi-spaced cuts for presenting images"""fromnibabel.affinesimportapply_affinemask_data = mask_nii.get_data() >0.0# First, project the number of masked voxels on each axesijk_counts = [ mask_data.sum(2) .sum(1),# project sagittal plane...