Step 1: Load word document 1Document doc =newDocument(); 2Section section = doc.AddSection(); Step 2: Add the characters needed to apply a border and set the border style 01//DashSmallGap Border 02Paragraph para = section.AddParagraph(); ...
一个代表“Borders”集合的变量。 示例 本示例为活动文档的所有节添加单线型页面边框。 VB 复制 Dim borderLoop As Border With ActiveDocument.Sections(1) For Each borderLoop In .Borders With borderLoop .LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle .LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt End With Next borderLoop .Borders....
Dim borderLoop As Border With ActiveDocument.Sections(1) For Each borderLoop In .Borders With borderLoop .LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle .LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt End With Next borderLoop .Borders.ApplyPageBordersToAllSections End With 另請參閱 Borders 集合物件 支援和意見反應 有關於 Office VB...
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll True if a series of three or more hyphens (-), equal signs (=), or underscore characters (_) are automatically replaced by a specific border line when the ENTER key is pressed. C# 複製 public bool AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBord...
Dim borderLoop As Border With ActiveDocument.Sections(1) For Each borderLoop In .Borders With borderLoop .LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle .LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt End With Next borderLoop .Borders.ApplyPageBordersToAllSections End With
OpenXml.Wordprocessing Overview AbsolutePositionTabAlignmentValues AbsolutePositionTabLeaderCharValues AbsolutePositionTabPositioningBaseValues AbstractNum AbstractNumDefinitionName AbstractNumId Active ActiveRecord ActiveWritingStyle AddressFieldName AdjustLineHeightInTable AdjustRightIndent Aliases AlignBorderAndEdges Align...
Right-click the border once you're satisfied with the formatting, and then choose "Copy." Right-click anywhere on the document and choose "Paste." Drag the copy of the border into place on the page, such as the bottom half of the document in this example. ...
Border Borders Break Breaks Broadcast Browser BuildingBlock BuildingBlockEntries BuildingBlocks BuildingBlockType BuildingBlockTypes CalloutFormat CanvasShapes CaptionLabel CaptionLabels Categories Category CategoryCollection Cell Cells Characters Chart ChartArea ChartBorder ChartCategory ChartCharac...
Border Borders Break Breaks Broadcast Browser BuildingBlock BuildingBlockEntries BuildingBlocks BuildingBlockType BuildingBlockTypes CalloutFormat CanvasShapes CaptionLabel CaptionLabels Categories Category CategoryCollection Cell Cells Characters Chart ChartArea ChartBorder ChartCategory ChartCharacte...
[Note: Some examples of paragraph properties are alignment, border, hyphenation override, indentation, line spacing, shading, text direction, and widow/orphan control.Among the properties is the pStyle element to specify...