Applus+ provides solutions for customers in all types of industries to ensure that their assets and product meet quality, health & safety, and environmental standards and regulations.
Solar Panel Drone InspectionUAVs can inspect solar panels quickly and efficiently, reducing downtime and enabling real-time assessments. Solar Engineering DesignOur solar engineering design services allow solar power plants to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness by determining the optimal placement an...
Solar Panel Drone InspectionUAVs can inspect solar panels quickly and efficiently, reducing downtime and enabling real-time assessments. Solar Engineering DesignOur solar engineering design services allow solar power plants to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness by determining the optimal placement an...
05/01/2025Applus+ Strengthens its Leadership in the Madrid Region with the Acquisition of ITV Aravaca 03/12/2024International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Yésica Míguez finds stability and colleagues at Applus+ 16/11/2024A Year of Expansion for Applus+ Vehicle Inspection in Saudi Arabia ...
Applus+ Inspection and Technical Assistance这个部门主要在以下几个领域提供方法和建议:质量和安全,设备的设计性能,基础设施及服务等。主要在西班牙和拉丁美洲有3500多名员工。Applus+ 有相关培训部门,为客户提供感兴趣的外包培训服务。2007年,Applus+ LGAI的业务拓展到中国,为和中国市场有关的当地的和外国的公司提供...
Fully committed to ensuring that customer products reach their highest standards of integrity, safety, and reliability, Applus+ XRI has positioned itself as one of the leading non-destructive (NDT) and inspection providers for aerospace manufacturers in the US. As one of the founding members of ...
Applus+公司由五大业务部门构成,分别是Applus+ Auto、Applus+ RTD、Applus+ IDIADA、Applus+ LGAI以及Applus+ Inspection and Technical Assistance。Applus+ Auto是全球第二大汽车检测公司,每年在全球范围内执行逾一亿七千万次测试,拥有2000多名员工,活跃于西班牙、欧洲、美国和南美等地。Applus+ RTD专注...
Applus+公司由五个核心业务部门组成,分别是Applus+ Auto、Applus+ RTD、Applus+ IDIADA、Applus+ LGAI以及Applus+ Inspection and Technical Assistance。Applus+ Auto部门作为全球第二大汽车检测机构,每年在全球范围内执行超过一亿七千万次的测试,拥有2000多名员工。该部门业务遍及西班牙、欧洲、美国和南美...
Part of Applus+ Laboratories, Applus+ XRI is a non-destructive testing (NDT) and inspection leader. Choose Applus+ XRI to suit your aerospace industry needs.