#13 - Luc Falempin from Tokeny: Exploring Tokenization Listen now #12 - Ronit Ghose from CitiBank: The History of Finance, Impact of Technology and “Future Money” Listen now #15 - Simon Jones from Baanx: Revolutionising Payments with Blockchain Technology ...
1 2 3 4 5Return to Search Result Job Post Details Networking engineers - job post Peoplebank Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong 在繼續前往公司網站之前,需要先建立 Indeed 帳戶。 透過公司網站應徵 職位詳情 職位類型 合約 短期 地點 Hong Kong 完整職位描述 Key Responsibilities: Monitor, ...
Finite-difference time-domain method solution of fundamental space-filling mode in photonic crystal fibers Mansourabadi, M.Poorkazemi, A.Shamloufard, M.Riazi, Y. 2801-2807 Using labeled hyper multi digraph for Tabriz traffic modeling: Data-oriented approach Navin, Ahmad HabibizadNavimipour, ...
The carrying value amounts of cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, accounts receivable, prepaid expenses, notes receivable and other current assets, accounts payable, accrued expenses, bank acceptance payable and other current liabilities approximate fair value because of the short-term maturity ...
An FBI agent arrives to interrogate me at 2nd District station, about what he has been told is a possible bank robbery conspiracy. I talk about my business 10 minutes and he leaves, and person riding with me is released. I hope the sergeant who felt it necessary to bring this matter to...
Efficiency of breeding programs of legume crops such as chickpea, pigeonpea and groundnut has been considerably improved over the past decade through deplo
provides a real-time edge computing solution on a three-phase power converter, addressing a more complex DT compared to previous works in the state of the art, where the focus is on DC/DC converters with lower complexity; 2. establishes a proposed hardware/software architecture for parallel exe...
J Nivre, M de Marneffe, F Ginter, Y Goldberg, J Hajič, C Manning, R McDonald, S Petrov, S Pyysalo, N Silveira, R Tsarfaty and D Zeman (2016). “Universal dependencies v1: a multilingual Treebank collection,” In proceedings of the 10th international conference on language resources...
工作电压:Applied Materials 0040-78022V 工作电流:Applied Materials 0040-78022A 额定频率:Applied Materials 0040-78022HZ 温控范围:BODINE MOTOR KYC-22RC℃ 防护等级:Applied Materials 0040-78022 产品认证:CCC 外形尺寸:1mm 重量:1kg AEG MODICON AS-B350-001:Applied Materials 0040-78022 ...
The three-dimensional structure of the fibrils comprising Aβ42 (Protein Data Bank code 2BEG) was obtained using quenched hydrogen/deuterium exchange NMR in solution, while the β-sheet arrangement was taken from previous solid-state NMR studies of this structure. Residues 18–42 form a β–stra...