大类:Environmental Science小类:Water Science and TechnologyQ118 / 261 93% 名词解释: CiteScore:衡量期刊所发表文献的平均受引用次数。 SJR:SCImago 期刊等级衡量经过加权后的期刊受引用次数。引用次数的加权值由施引期刊的学科领域和声望 (SJR) 决定。
OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service Portico ProQuest SCImago SCOPUS Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Semantic Scholar TD Net Discovery Service UGC-CARE List (India) Wanfang Copyright information Rights and permissions Editorial policies © Springer Nature Switzerland AG...
The users of Scimago Journal & Country Rank have the possibility to dialogue through comments linked to a specific journal. The purpose is to have a forum in which general doubts about the processes of publication in the journal, experiences and other issues derived from the publication of paper...
Explores applications in water science, advanced materials, energy, electronics, environmental science, and medicine. Indexed in Scopus, SCImago, and EI Compendex among other reputable databases. Manuscripts are subject to a single-blind peer-review for scientific quality and acceptance. Addresses ...
The Journal of Engineering and Applied Science publishes fundamental and applied research articles and reviews spanning different areas of engineering disciplines, applications, and interdisciplinary topics. These include, but are not limited to, the following areas: • Architectural Engineering • Chemica...
Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST) Medline Naver Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service Pathway Studio Portico ProQuest Reaction Citation Index Reaxys SCImago SCOPUS Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Semantic Scholar TD Net Discovery Service UGC...
All articles published inJournal of Engineering and Applied Scienceare included in: Scopus EI Compendex DOAJ EBSCO Discovery Service SCImago Google Scholar OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service ProQuest-ExLibris Primo ProQuest-ExLibris Summon CNKI CLOCKSS ...
Applied Solar Energy is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on solar energy science, technology, and applications. Explores a broad range of topics, including photovoltaics, water heaters, passive heating, thermal energy storage, solar concentrating facilities, Big Solar Furnace, and many more. Based...
(Algeria) | ENSTP National High School of Publics Work (Algeria) | Ferhat Abbas University Setif I (Algeria) | Hassiba Benbouali University (Algeria) | High School of Computer Science (Algeria) | Higher School of Applied Sciences of Tlemcen (Algeria) | Higher School of Electrical and Energe...