Applied Surface Science是爱思唯尔出版的一本英文期刊,于1985年创刊。发表的内容涉及:催化、电催化和光催化的表面科学。沉积和生长。2D组装。通过定向能量沉积激光器、离子或电子束或其他技术如等离子体的表面和界面调节。表面工程和功能化。APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 是1985年Elsevier出版的期刊,刊期为Semimo...
2024.7.16 submitted to journal 2024.7.24 with editor 2024.8.25 under review 2024.9.17 requir...
2024.7.16 submitted to journal 2024.7.24 with editor 2024.8.25 under review 2024.9.17 requir...
只要显示submitted to Journal 就是投稿成功了,剩下的就是等! ll9999 等确认后即可看到流程 sappler 导师是通讯作者,提交完成,后面的事情就都在导师的账号下处理了。 nono2009 “导师是通讯作者,说已经approve了,等着审稿意见就行了。” 既然导师有经验,那楼主何必多虑? fbqrdzs 没问题的,有的期刊一直到接受...
A Journal Devoted to Applied Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces Applied Surface Science covers topics contributing to a better understanding of surfaces, interfaces, nanostructures and their applications. The journal is concerned with scientific research on the atomic and molecular level of ...
Applied Surface Science covers topics contributing to a better understanding of surfaces, interfaces, nanostructures and their applications. The journal is concerned with scientific research on the atomic and molecular level of material properties determined with specific surface analytical techniques and/or ...
Applied Surface Science covers topics contributing to a better understanding of surfaces, interfaces, nanostructures and their applications. The journal is concerned with scientific research on the atomic and molecular level of material properties determined with specific surface analytical techniques and/or ...
can be submitted to the journal?s companion title, Applied Surface Science Advances. 收录体裁 Full Length Articles Short Communication Perspective Articles 投稿指南 投稿模板 参考文献格式 编辑信息 Editor-in-Chief...
Applied Surface Sciencecovers topics contributing to a better understanding of surfaces, interfaces, nanostructures and their applications. The journal is concerned with scientific research on the atomic and molecular level of material properties determined with specific surface analytical techniques and/or co...