Applied Optoelectronics: materials, fabrications, and devices. Optoelectronics represents a diverse field of study that has found widespread application worldwide. Recent advancements in semiconductor fabrication processes have significantly enhanced ou
各位激光界的同仁,本人现有一篇纯激光类的文章,主要是板条激光放大类的,现准备投Applied Physics Letter,不知道适合不?本人查看APL今年来的文章,很少有纯激光器类的文章,而且,至2012年来,APL每期分类可投激光类的第一栏名称,从LASERS, OPTICS, AND OPTOELECTRONICS 改成了 PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS,很伤心,不知道...
Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values. CategoryYearQuartile Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics 1999 Q1 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and ...
Optics, optoelectronics, photonics, and photonic devices, Quantum information processing, both algorithms and hardware, Soft matter physics, including granular and complex fluids and active matter. 《应用物理评论》(PRApplied)发表高质量论文,弥合工程学与物理学之间以及当前技术与未来技术之间的差距。 PRApplied...
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 1569-4410 物理与天体物理3区 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 0030-4018 物理与天体物理3区 JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER 0022-4073 物理与天体物理3区 APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 0946-2171 物理与天体物理3区 ...
Optics, optoelectronics, photonics, and laser physics Soft matter physics including fluid, granular, and colloidal dynamics, jamming and glasses, complex fluids, and active matter We encourage all insightful, innovative, and forward-looking scientists working on applied or applicable problems to consider...
and modern technology. Topics covered in APL are diverse and reflect the most important subjects in applied physics, including: Photonics and optoelectronics Surfaces and interfaces Metasurfaces and metamaterials Advanced materials Semiconductors Phononic, acoustic, and thermal properties Magnetics and spintroni...
Applied optics and optoelectronics 1996 : proceedings of the Applied optics divisional conference of the Institute of Physics, held at Reading, 16-19 September 1996 Recent years have seen a rapid growth in the field of applied optics and optoelectronics, mostly from the standpoints of industrial ap...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters is a hybrid journal allowing open access and traditional submission. It is published by the IEEE Photonics Society. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters is published semimonthly. 主要研究方向:工程技术-ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC工程:电子与电气;OPTICS光学;PHYSICS, ...
Industrial physics,Magnetism and spintronics,Metamaterials,Microfluidics,Nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation in natural or manufactured systems,Nanoscience and nanotechnology,Optics, optoelectronics, photonics, and photonic devices,Quantum information processing, both algorithms and hardware,Soft matter physics,...