COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS 可SCI/EI论文发表及建议,论文翻译,润色,格式排版,论文查重检测ISSN:2238-3603 E-ISSN:1807-0302 分区:中科院3区;JCR:Q1 影响因子:2.5 检索类型:Article 检索情…
已经投稿并刊出了文章在Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology上2013第6期,...
不是。applied and computational mathematics 译文:应用数学和计算 & 商标分类-点击进入查询入口 商标注册和商标查询商标注册快速通道,一对一服务高效,安全,一次选择终身服务商标注册和商标查询专业的知识产权服务平台,旨在为用户提供一站式的知识产权服务,广告 british journal of applied science and technology是sci吗 ...
computational methods, as well as the processing of such structures.This journal accommodates the following topics:Surface science of catalysis, electrocatalysis and photocatalysis;Deposition and growth;2D assembly;Surface and interface modification by directed energy deposition (lasers, ion or electron ...
Q1ENGINEERING, MECHANICALQ117.4 MECHANICSQ1 CiteScore数值 CiteScoreSJRSNIP学科类别分区排名百分位 14.901.0513.759大类:Engineering小类:Computational MechanicsQ11 / 78 99% 大类:Engineering小类:Mechanical EngineeringQ114 / 601 97% 常见问题 Q&A 影响因子趋势图 ...
MSc Advanced Control and Systems EngineeringAdvanced Control and Systems... 分享回复赞 留学吧 陈陈陈2020free 英国各高校圣诞假期时间已出!24fall注意!节前第一批DDL汇总! MSc Applied MathematicsMSc Mathematical FinanceMSc Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Logic MSc Pure Mathematics MSc Statistics MSc Advanced...
看虫友们都说这个期刊超级的慢,所以就不怎么看状态,前天一看,从5月31号至今为decision in process...
我看影响因子好像是0.45, 谁了解这个期刊的告诉我一下吧?
已经投稿并刊出了文章在Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology上2013第6期,...