In this chapter we describe, at an elementary level, some of the applications of the Group Theory and Number Theory we have developed so far to Cryptology. We emphasise that these "textbook versions" of the applications do not do justice to the complexities that arise in practice, and warn ...
This paper discusses carefully public key cipher technology,RSA encryption algorithm and identity authentication,presents how to process encryption and decryption in the electronic information exchange process,identity authentication etc.In this paper,it discusses the applications of public key cipher technology...
Before using public-key authentication, the public/private key pair files must be created, with a copy of the public-key file being uploaded to a specific location on the server. The public and private keys are generated with a key generation utility. While the private and public keys within...
A free, open source , third party Android library for encryption and decryption of strings in Android apps and PC Java applications. It is 100% compatible with Kotlin and Java applications. - hummatli/SimpleEncryptionLib
Chosen ciphertext attacks on lattice-based public key encryption and modern (non-quantum) cryptography in a quantum environment - ScienceDirect Modern cryptography is based on various building blocks such as one way functions with or without trapdoors, pseudo-random functions, one way permutations .....
In this paper, we focus on verifiability of predicate encryption. A verifiable predicate encryption scheme guarantees that all legitimate receivers of a ciphertext will obtain the same message upon decryption. While verifiability of predicate encryption
Isolating Partial Information of Indistinguishable Encryptions Jean Lancrenon, Roland Gillard Pages 34-48 Invited Paper A Universal Client-Based Identity Management Tool Haitham S. Al-Sinani, Chris J. Mitchell Pages 49-74 Privacy Preserving Techniques Design and Evaluation of a Privacy-Preservi...
public abstract MicrosoftGraphKeyCredentialInner addKey(String applicationId, ApplicationsAddKeyRequestBodyInner body) Invoke action addKey. Parameters: applicationId - key: id of application. body - Action parameters. Returns: keyCredential.add
We generalize and improve the security and efficiency ofthe verifiable encryption scheme of Asokan et al., such that it can rely on more general assumptions, and can be proven secure without assuming random oracles. We extend our basic protocol to a new primitive called verifiable group encryption...
We propose a generalisation of Paillier’s probabilistic public key system, in which the expansion factor is reduced and which allows to adjust the block length of the scheme even after the public key has been fixed, without loosing the homomorphic property.We show that the generalisation is as...