The discovery of the Hardy-Weinberg principle marked the beginning of the field of population genetics. Over the past hundred years, it has provided a starting point for many population genetic investigations. In this review, the Hardy-Weinberg principle, its statistical testing, and several of ...
Cluster plots were visually inspected and standard quality-control measures were checked, including Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.277 2611 BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER Breast cancer SNP associations with pedigree data PX0.01, plate call rate X95% and duplicate ...
The fundamental principle of GWAS is that common diseases must be in part caused by common genetic variant. The most common such variant in the human genome is a SNP; a single base pair change between people occurring approximately every 1000 bases.1A GWAS depends on the identification of genet...
Department of Preventive Medicine生物学前沿:英文版Chen JJ. 2010. The Hardy-Weinberg principle and its applications in mod- ern population genetics. Front Biol. 5:348-353.Chen, J. J. (2010). The Hardy-Weinberg principle and its applications in modern population genetics. Frontiers in Biology, ...
Detecting marker-disease association by testing for Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium at a marker locus. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 1998, 63, 1531–1540. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Kobayashi, T. A blood tumor marker combination assay produces high sensitivity and specificity for cancer according...
Within the context of ED, the change of probability distributions is described in terms of a principle of entropic inference. Specifically, beginning with a known initial configuration, change toward the final configuration happens by the maximization of the logarithmic relative entropy (known as the ...