Applications of dynamical systems in ecologyH.B Wilson
of smooth dynamical systems is presented - hyperbolic theory, billiards, one-dimensional systems and the elements of KAM theory. Numerous examples are presented carefully along with the ideas underlying the most important results. The last part of the book deals with the dynamical systems of ...
There has been an increasing interest in the application of dynamical systems to the study of development over the last decade. The explosion of the dynamical systems framework in the physical and biological sciences has opened the door to a new Zeitgeist for studying development. This appeal to ...
System identification deals with the problem of estimating models of dynamical systems given observations from the systems. In this thesis we focus on the nonlinear modeling problem, and, in particular, on the situation that occurs when a very large amount of data is available. Traditional treatment...
Three unique features of neural networks, namely, learning, high-speed processing of massive data, and the ability to handle signals with degrees of uncertainty, make such networks attractive to dynamical systems. The first step in analyzing such systems is to learn the dynamics of the system, ...
This work covers material for an introductory course in the theory of dynamical systems. There is a short tutorial in MAPLE to facilitate the understanding of the theory. The text is divided into two parts: continuous systems using differential equations and discrete dynamical systems. Differential ...
Table of Contents of the book, mock exam papers, example coursework questions and MATLAB index file can be found in Lynch 인용 양식 Stephen Lynch (2025). Dynamical Systems with Applications using MATLAB 2e (
(F Rupp & J Scheurle) An Elementary Proof for Joint Continuity of Semiflows (S Schmitz) A Convergent String Method (H Schwetlick & J Zimmer) Variational Symmetries and Pluri-Lagrangian Systems (Y B Suris) Readership: Researchers in algebra and number theory, dynamical systems and analysis ...
Demonstrates the application of DSM to solve a broad range of operator equations The dynamical systems method (DSM) is a powerful computational method for solving operator equations. With this book as their guide, readers will master the application of DSM to solve a variety of linear and nonline...
The first 3 parts focus on the content domains of development that have given most theoretical and empirical attention to the potential applications of dynamical systems--physical growth and movement, cognition, and communication. These parts show that a range of nonlinear models have been applied ...