Decision tree is a machine learning technique for solving both classification and regression problems. They help in identifying the relationship among data points in a dataset by constructing tree structures. These tree-like structures are used to make accurate predictions about unseen data. The ...
C5.0 is an advanced algorithm based on the invention of C4.5. For some variables with a relatively small number of indicators and simple logical relationships, the prediction accuracy of the decision tree algorithm is high, which makes this algorithm suitable for analyzing the data. 展开 ...
3. Patel N, Upadhyay S. Study of various decision tree pruning methods with their empirical comparison in WEKA.Int J Comp Appl.60(12):20–25. [Google Scholar] 4. Berry MJA, Linoff G.Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of Customer Relationship Management.New York: John Wiley & S...
Artificial neural network (ANN) and decision tree (DT) applications are proposed to contribute to control room energy management system (EMS) functions respectively aimed to assess critical conditions leading to inter-area oscillations, to evaluate the loading margin, and to support state estimation. ...
A decision tree is a support tool with a tree-like structure that models probable outcomes, cost of resources, utilities, and possible consequences.
Combinatorial techniques for extending lower bounds results for decision trees to general types of queries are presented. We consider problems, which we call order invariant, that are defined by simple inequalities between inputs. A decision tree is called k-bounded if each query depends on at mos...
Applications of tree growth modelling in decision support for sustainable forest management. In: Hasenauer H. (Ed.), Sustainable forest management: growth models for Europe, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 131-149.Pretzsch, H., Utschig, H., Sodtke R, 2006. Application of tree growth...
Countering Machine-Learning Classification of Applications by Equalizing Network Traffic Statistics 概要: 我们提出了通过均衡主要的统计指标来降低基于有监督机器学习的网络流量分类器的对抗分类准确率。我们使用包的数量,间隔到达的时间,包长作为主要的流量指标,并估计他们用于应用识别时在分类准确率上的效果。网络流量分...
Balanced Binary Tree: The height difference between the left and right subtrees of every node is 0 or 1. Consider doing our Python Bootcamp course from upGrad to upskill your career. Example Applications of Binary Trees Decision Trees: Used in machine learning for classification and regression ta...
IN recent decades, a surge of interest in Machine learning within the medical research community has resulted in an array of successful data-driven applications ranging from medical image processing and the diagnosis of specific diseases, to the broader tasks of decision support and outcome prediction...