Services Advanced Threat Management Application Security Operations Center Threat Vigil IDAM Services Privileged Access Management as a Service (PAMaaS) Identity Vigil 2.0 Data Security & Privacy Services Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Services Happiest Minds’ Secureline360 XDR Services Security Autom...
If you are an existing Fortinet user, you can access the FortiDevSec service. Application Security Testing Tools FortiDevSec is designed to deploy the appropriate application security test based on the attributes and settings of the application. These testing technologies will analyze and detect sof...
3rd Easiest To Use in Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) software Save to My Lists Overview User Satisfaction Product Description How are these determined? Fortify on Demand (FoD) is a complete Application Security as a Service solution. It offers an easy way to get started with the...
Learn more about mobile application security testing We would recommend Black Duck as a provider of a comprehensive set of holistic, complementary AppSec solutions, backed by a pool of sharp consultants who understand globally the industries they work with, as well as an organization’s unique proc...
Build application security testing into your SDLC, from development to deployment, using Black Duck application security solutions.
1. 静态程序 安全扫描(Static Application Security Testing ,SAST): 扫描编译好的包,为了发现安全隐患。 它类似SonarQube,但更着重于安全隐患,比如OWASP中定义的TOP 10的问题。 2. SonarQube和Veracode这两个工具的区别: 二者 都是用来管理应用安全和代码质量的。 SonarQube免费、开源,用来静态代码分析。 Veracode...
交互式应用安全测试(Interactive application security testing IAST)是一个在应用和API中自动化识别和诊断软件漏洞的技术。如果从名字的缩写来看,插桩(Instrumented)式应用安全测试或许是一个更好的说法。IAST不是一个扫描器,IAST持续地从内部监控你应用中的漏洞,在整个开发生命周期中,IAST通过你在开发和测试中使用的工具...
Implement security procedures and systems to protect applications in production environments. For example, perform continuous security testing. Implement strong authentication for applications that contain sensitive data or are mission critical. Use security systems such as firewalls, web application firewalls ...
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) 移动应用安全测试 (MAST) 交互式应用程序安全测试 (IAST) DAST 为何重要? DAST 之所以重要,是因为开发人员在构建应用程序时不必完全依赖自己的知识。通过在 SDLC 期间进行DAST ,您可以在向公众部署应用程序之前发现其中的漏洞。如...
Our application security testing combines automation and penetration testing to find all vulnerabilities so you can deploy secure software, achieve DevSecOps and reduce cyber risks.