Next: Has an Ungraceful Shutdown Occurred on a Previously Running Server? Is Another Application Running on the Server's Port?If another application is using the server's port, stop the other application, then restart Enterprise Server.Previous...
Running sites on "localhost" is extremely slow I have created a dummy project to reproduce the problem. app.js file: 'use strict'; const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); const app = ...
i have migrated to springboot 3.0 and i am trying to run the application (mvn spring-boot:run), but it is unable to find the application.yaml file(i have the given the port number as 8082/8081 but it is still running on port 8080).. application.yaml spring: config: activate: on-pr...
An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices - koreader/koreader
Check to see if there is a Solaris SNMP daemon (snmpdx) running on port 161. If an SNMP daemon is running, make sure you know how to restart it and which MIB trees it supports. Then kill its process. Edit the Solaris SNMP daemon start-up files76snmpdxin/etc/rc3.dto modify the po...
change dns port Change format of phone numbers in AD using powershell Change From Roaming to Local Profiles - Server 2008 Change KeepAliveTime on a server running Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard Change key length of root cert AD Certificate Authority change password - shortcut Change Produc...
Similarly, after running the following commands on an interface, you cannot enable NAC on the interface. Command Function mac-limit Sets the maximum number of MAC addresses that can be learned by an interface. mac-address learning disable Disables MAC address learning on an interface. port link...
Thanks for your answer. Using docker-compose, I could run mysql server and java application. but now I ended up in new issue. The application is working fine on my computer, but when I port to docker and run, i face this error. ...
The SA function can be enabled only on physical interfaces, VLANIF interfaces, and port groups. If the SA function is enabled on a VLANIF interface, you do not need to enable it on the physical interface of the VLAN corresponding to the VLANIF interface. If the SA function needs to be...
If you are running a Mac computer with Apple silicon, change the database image fromimage: mysql:5.7.37toimage: arm64v8/mysql:8-oracle. Click in the gutter next toservices. This creates a Docker Compose run configuration, which starts the application in a container as theappservice a...