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Let X, Y be Banach spaces, P:DX→Y a nonlinear operator and H:D→L(Y,X)· For solving equations of the form P(x)=0 the author considers one point Newton type iteration processes x n+1 =x n -H(x n )P(x n ) (n=0,1,2,···). The paper generalizes results of M. ...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":266819,"subject":"Creer une application sur mon compte dropbox","id":"message:266819","revisionNum":2,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:627351"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:101000014"},"conversation...
$xpathth =new\DOMXPath($domth); $xpathct =new\DOMXPath($domct);// on cherche les champs d'ou peut provenir un candidat, en fct de l'endroit oe on veut inserer le nouveau terme$fields =array(); $xpathstruct =new\DOMXPath($domstruct); $nodes = $xpathstruct->query("/record/desc...
C Journal of Carbon Research Article Application of Lolium multiflorum as an Efficient Raw Material in the Production of Adsorbent for Removal of Methylene Blue Elenara Oliveira da Silva 1 , Alaor Valério Filho 2 , Emanuelle Butato de Araujo 3, Taís Douglas Andrade 3, Maele Costa dos Santos...